Amy has extensive knowledge and experience on energy and environmental issues.
The information below breaks down her experience in the areas of climate change and air quality, clean energy and energy efficiency, along with water, clean transportation, land, company and community environmental engagement, and speaking engagement examples.

Climate Change & Air Quality Issues
Check out a 2019 podcast where I joined a colleague in talking about clean energy policy: “Cleanin’ Up the Utility Man”
Helped client set up an environmental public health network in New Mexico to help bring attention to environmental impacts on water, air and land impacting public health.
Work as consultant on proposed large renewable transmission line project providing stakeholder engagement services in multiple parts of New Mexico.
Served on team that developed a statewide stakeholder outreach process resulting in a Clean Energy Economic Development Plan.
Served in various key roles related to climate change policy. Wrote the first PNM Resources board paper on climate change science and policy. Developed multiple senior level executive speeches related to climate policy for audiences such as the Western Governors Association.
Developed the first climate and energy platform and strategic plan for The Nature Conservancy in NM, receiving a top grade from national leadership and a MacArthur Foundation grant for activities associated with the plan.
Worked with University of New Mexico economics professor on climate and energy attitude research development and results.
Developed strategic plans and managed multiple complex air quality issues including Toxic Release Inventory, regional haze, mercury, greenhouse gas emissions and Ambient Air Standards.
Provided ideas and recommendations to Alb./Bernalillo County Environmental Health/Air Quality Department for carbon emissions reductions focus areas for Bloomberg Climate Challenge grant.
Managed urban conservation team responsible for implementing a tree canopy program with the City of Albuquerque.
Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency
Serve as legislative liaison for renewable energy industry trade association, assisting with local, state and federal outreach and communications strategies.
Worked on pilot program to provide energy efficiency and weatherization services to target low-income households in an under-served area of Albuquerque.
Developed a year-long business energy efficiency assistance program for a large municipality.
Developed outreach strategies and lobbied for successful legislation including New Mexico’s Energy Transition Act and the amended Efficient Use of Energy Act.
Researched Property Assessed Clean Energy program best practices from cities across the United States, and made recommendations for implementation of staffing levels and best practices for a municipal customer.
Played key role on team that researched and presented information on biomass energy potential in New Mexico, including fuel supply, customer demand, and needed public policies and incentives.
Played key role in helping analyze public policy and develop communications strategies and tactics on some of New Mexico’s first clean energy legislation including the Renewable Portfolio Standard and the Efficient Use of Energy Act.
Played key role in the development of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department State Energy Roadmap on areas of energy efficiency, clean transportation and renewable energy.
Developed strategic plans and managed multiple complex air quality issues including Toxic Release Inventory, regional haze, mercury, greenhouse gas emissions and Ambient Air Standards.
Oversaw energy efficiency implementation team that successfully implemented and managed more than $23 million in residential and business energy efficiency programs and multiple third-party contractors.
Developed and led a business energy efficiency award program, that recognized businesses that participated in key programs and achieved significant energy savings. The program received thousands of dollars of earned media,, led to large attendance at community award events, and helped to sustain and increase business participation in programs.
Worked with colleagues to develop potential models on renewable customer programs including a community solar facility for a higher education institution and a municipal government, and a green tariff for business and residential customers.
Led successful regional communications and governmental affairs campaign to help defeat harmful campaign to eliminate local soil and water conservation district.
Developed and implemented public communications plan for regional water planning efforts.
Worked on policies and communications related to electric utility water issues including efforts to reduce water at power plants including the NetZero partnership with national laboratories.
Developed communications and engagement plans on multiple Four Corners area water issues including shortage sharing agreements, water quality issues, produced water and fish passage.
Contributor to the background information piece for New Mexico First’s 2017 Water Town Hall.
Developed communications strategies and pieces on the connection between water and energy.
Clean Transportation
Work with an alternative transportation coalition to promote policies and programs that promote cleaner transportation options including electric vehicles, compressed natural gas and propane vehicles.
Developed outreach strategies and successfully lobbied for passage of New Mexico’s electric vehicle infrastructure legislation, paving the way for growing charging stations in the state and electrification planning by the state’s utilities.
Worked with partner organization to develop and implement legislative and communications strategy regarding the Volkswagen Settlement monies to encourage electrification of fleets and installation of charging stations.
Worked with a legislator to develop a memorial to encourage New Mexico Volkswagen settlement monies to be directed toward electric vehicle fleets and charging stations and developed a strategy for broad stakeholder support of the legislation.
Played critical role in the research and outreach to encourage the City of Albuquerque to consider adding electric buses to its fleet.
Served on multiple teams that worked on siting issues for fossil fuel and renewable energy production facilities and delivery facilities (transmission and distribution) addressing wildlife, water usage and water quality, emissions and other environmental impacts.
Developed communications and outreach strategies on siting of new energy facilities including natural gas and solar plants, transmission and distribution lines.
Company & Community Environmental Engagement
Served as speaker for multiple organizations on how businesses can reduce their environmental footprint, including the Credit Union Association of New Mexico and the Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce.
Successfully developed and implemented first ever PNM environmental stakeholder engagement and communications plan focused on building relationships with multiple environmental NGO’s and increasing communications on corporate environmental efforts, leading to more than 15 percent increase in JD Power customer satisfaction scores in the environmental area.
Conducted all research and drafted PNM’s environmental policy that was approved by the PNMR Board Directors.
Led corporate headquarters Green Team efforts resulting in company participation in new, broader recycling and waste reduction program. Resulted in NM Green Chamber of Commerce award.
Led community relations department that developed and implemented strategies on environmental engagement including corporate grants for projects such as community gardens, energy efficiency projects, trail building, watershed health and water conservation projects, and avian protection programs.
Developed first annual Earth Day strategic outreach plan that included identifying participation in key events with messages on renewables and energy efficiency, staff training and corporate identity development, and development of communications materials. Resulted in robust employee volunteerism at multiple events and outreach to thousands of attendees throughout New Mexico.